CEER and PRNC Publications

We are committed to rescue all the historical documents belonging to the Center for Energy and Environment Research (CEER)/ Puerto Rico Nuclear Center (PRNC), making public a catalog listing all the rescued documents and a copy of each rescued document available for downloading.

Case Studies on Forestry Activities in the Eastern Caribbean and Jamaica (1984)
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World Without Trees
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The Forest Resources of St. Vincent, West Indies (1986)
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CEER T-40 Methodologies And Insturments (1979)
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Development, Forestry and Environmental Quality in The Eastern Caribbean (1985)
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Some Aspect of the Ecology of the Fresh Water Shrimps in the Upper Espiritu Santo River at El Verde, Puerto Rico (1976)
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Wastershed Management in Caribbean (1985)
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Rust JH. Tenth Oak Ridge Regional Symposium, University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico January 25, 1957 (January 1957)
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PRNC. Historical Documents 1956 – 1957 (1959)
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Ferrer-Monge JA. Health Physics Guide and Regulations (October 1959)
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Ortiz E. Simple Experiments that can be done with a Neutron Source (Enero 1961)
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PRNC. Técnicas de Radiosotopos Manual de Conferencia (Capítulos I al X) (October 1961)
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Irizarry S, al. et. The Renogram as a Tool for Evaluationg Patients with Cancer of the Cervix Uteri (February 1963)
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[Anonymous]. Fire Plan of Mayaguez (1963)
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Bugher JC, Gomberg HJ. Research Activities at Puerto Rico Nuclear Center (October 1963)
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Szmant H, Olavarria EP. Base Catalyzed for anation of imidates (Agoso 1963)
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Luse RA, Gomberg H, Vazquez F. Resonance in Radiation Effects progress Sumary Report No. 1 (March 1963)
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Almodóvar I, Frazer C, Bielen HJ, Kay MJ. Neutron Diffraction Program Progress Summary Report No. 1 (March 1963)
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Gomberg HJ, Luse RA. Resonance in Radiation Effects Technical Report I (1963)
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[Anonymous]. General Information (October 1963)
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Cobas A, Szmant H. Solid State Physics Program (July 1963)
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Bugher JC. Hurricane Plan, Mayaguez (Agosto 1963)
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Barceló H. Program of Instruction for PRNC Reactor Operators (Academic Phase) (October 1963)
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PRNC. Distribution of radio active antimony formed by neutron capture in Antimony compounds (1963)
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Gomberg HJ, Luse RA, Vazquez-Martinez F, Koo FKS, de Morales RJSantiago, Baltasar-Cruz V. Resonance in Radiation Effects Technical Report No. 2 (May 1964)
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Monge JAFerrer, P González C, Soderstrom MH, Division HPhysics. Procedures Manual for Personnel Monitoring (December 1964)
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Rushford F. An Examination of Program Objective (April 1964)
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Bugher JC. Procedures for Operating Co60 Gamma Iradiation Facility (April 1964)
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Cantarell I, Almodóvar I. Research in Photomultiplier Tube Fatigue: Prediction, Acceleration and Correction of Fatigue Effects in Photomultipliers Tubes (1964)
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Almodóvar I. Progress Report No. 2 Neutron Diffraction Program (January 1964)
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Gomberg HJ. Operating Limits for L-77 Reactor (January 1964)
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[Anonymous]. Terrestrial Ecology Part II. Radiation Induced Variability in Inorganous Arthropod-Borne Animal Viruses of Puerto Rico (April 1964)
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Facetti JC. Chemical State of Sb125 formed in the Compounds Irradiated with Neutrons (April 1964)
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Cobas A, Szmant H. Radiator Damage in Organic Crystals (March 1964)
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Ortiz E, Facetti JF. A simple device for Half-Life Measurement of High Gamma Rays Emitter (May 1964)
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Bugher JC. Training and Education Program Outlines (October 1964)
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Mozo EAPaez. Estudio de Distribución de Alcances en tungsteno del estroncio-91 y Bario-140 producidos en la fisión térmica de Uranio enriquecido (December 1965)
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[Anonymous]. Evaluation Study of Summer Insitute in Radiation Biology (1965)
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Kay MI, Cromer DT. Fortran Program for Calculation of Neutron Difraction Magneic Intensities (November 1965)
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[Anonymous]. General Information (July 1965)
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Hoyos AJ, Sasscer DS. Random Numbers from a Radioactive Source, a Master of Science Thesis (May 1965)
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Daniels M. Radiation Chemistry and Photochemistry of Aqueus Solutions of Oxyanions (April 1965)
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Gomberg HJ. Procedures for Operating CO 60 Gamma Pool Irradiation facility- Mayaguez (June 1965)
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[Anonymous]. Annual Report (1965)
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PRNC. Research and Training (October 2, 1957 – December 31, 1963) (October 1957- December 1963)
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PRNC. Program and Abstracts for the U.S. Atomic Energy Comision of Biology and Medicine Bio-Medical Program Director Meeting San Juan, Puerto Rico February 8-9, 1965 (February 1965)
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Cobas A, Szmant H, Torruella AJ, Trester S, Weisz Z. Radiation Damage in Organic Crystals (Julio 1965)
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Koo FKS, Gomberg HJ. Resonant Action of Low Energy Monochromatic X-Rays on Chromosomes Incorporated with 5-Bromodeoxyuridine (January 1965)
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[Anonymous]. Descriptionof Reactor and Experimental Facilities and Information for Experiment (February 1965)
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Kay MI, Almodóvar I, González JA. Neutron Difraction Programs Progress Summary Report No. 4 (May 1965)
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PRNC. Operating Limits for the PRNC Pool Type Research Reactor (July 1964- May 1966)
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Odum HT, Murphy P, Smith RF, Lugo A, McCormick F, Cowley GT, Holler JP, Witkamp M, Johnson PL, Koo FKS et al.. The Rain Forest Project: Annual Report FY-65 (September 1965)
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PRNC. Progress Report Marine Biology Program (July 1965)
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Gileady AE, Sánchez A. Xenon build up under various operating conditions in the Puerto Rico Nuclear Center Research Reactor (September 1966)
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PRNC. Cause in Tissue Culture and Radioisotopic of Cellular and Subcellular Level Laboratory excercises (October- November 1966)
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Kay MI, Kaplan SF, Kleinberg R, Ritter HL, Almodóvar I, DT C. Neutron Diffraction Program. Progress Summary Report No. 5 (April 1967)
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Walker DW. Radiation- induced sterility for population conrol of he sugarcane borer (Diatraea saccharalis) in Puerto Rico (May 1967)
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PRNC. Program Abstracts (May 1967)
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Kline JR. The Rain Forest Project – A Renewal Proposal for Fiscal Year 1968 (March 1967)
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Kline JR, Staff. The Rain Forest Project Annual Report FY-1967 (April 1966- March 1967)
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Gileady AE. Excess Reactivities Associated with Certain Core Configuration of the PRNC Research Reactor and the proposed pool critical facility (November 1967)
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Walker DW. Radiation- Induced Sterility for Ppulation Control of the Sugarcane Borer (diatraea Saccharalis) (May 1967)
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Cobas A, Weisz Z. Study of Radiation Damage in Organic crystals programs sumary report No. 4 (October 1967)
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del Río S, Gileadi AE. The problem of Xenon building in Operating Reactors (January 1967)
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PRNC. Annual Report (1967)
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Lee RA. Radiolisis of Gaseous Hidroghalides (June 1967)
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[Anonymous]. Abstracts of Programs Supported by he AEC Division of Nuclear Education and Training Physical Research Biology and Medicine Isotopes Development (January 1967)
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Grimisom A, Simpson GA. Puerto Rico Nuclear Center- Matrix Isolation Studies of the Gamma Radiolysis of Heterocyclic Molecules Technical Progress Report #3 (April 1968)
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[Anonymous]. Annual Report (1968)
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J R Kline, Jordan CF, Drewry GE. The Rain Forest Project Annual Report (June 1968)
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Ferrer-Monge JA. Environmental Survey Procedures Manual (July 1968)
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Jordan CF, Drewry GE. The Rain Forest Project Annual Report (June 1969)
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Cheney JA, Talley WR. Plowshore Workshop (August 1969)
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Wheeher OH, Kay AS, Trabal JE. Radioactive Decay Correction Tables (October 1969)
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[Anonymous]. Annual Report (1969)
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Grimisom A, Simpson GA. Matrix Isolation Studies of the Gamma Radiolysis of Heterocyclic Molecules Program Report 4 (April 1969)
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Aviles M, Pederson K. Activation Analysis as a Method for tracing suspended sediment (April 1969)
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[Anonymous]. Selected Information PRNC (March 1970)
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PRNC. Tissue Culture and Radioisotopes techniques at Cellular and Subcellular level. Program and laboratory exercise manual (June- July 1970)
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Kleinberg R. A Least Square Refinement of the X-Ray Data on Azurite Cu3 (OH) 2Co32 (July 1970)
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[Anonymous]. Annual Report (1970)
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PRNC. Report Number 2: Evaluation of health hazards due to uninentional irradiation of the gonads during routine abdominal x-ray examination of male and female patients in puerto rico (June 1970)
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Clements RG, Drewry GE. The Rain Forest Project Annual Report (June 1970)
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De León DD, Ritchie LS, Chiriboga J. Programa de Fasciola Hepática en Puerto Rico – Primer Informe- Enero de 1970 a Abril de 1971 (enero 1970- abril 1971)
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Gileadi M. Report Number 3: Evaluation of health hazards due to uninentional irradiation of the gonads during routine abdominal x-ray examination of male and female patients in puerto rico (May 1971)
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Kleinberg R. Crystal structure of CoBr2 GH2O at room temperature by neutron diffraction (May 1972)
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PRNC. Programas de Adiestramiento y Estudios (1972)
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[Anonymous]. Aguirre Power Project Environmental Studies. 1972 Annual Report. Volume II (February 1972)
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[Anonymous]. AEC Biomedical Program Director Meeting (February 1972)
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Ortiz E, Arenas G. Gas Stopping Power Measurement for Alpha Particles (May 1973)
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DW; W. Insect Sterility Technical Report 7 (April 1973)
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PRNC. Staff Curriculum Vitae. US AEC Program Review (December 1973)
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Gileady AE, N Kappasamy G. Computer Aided Decomposition of Gamma Spectra Emitted by Certain Radioactive Nuclides (1973)
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Wood E, Youngbluth MJ, Vicente VP, Martin DF, Canoy MJ. Punta Higuero Power Plant: Environmental Studies 1973- 1974 (1971-1974)
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[Anonymous]. Hydrographic Data Report- North Coast of Puerto Rico 1973- 1974 (1973- 1974)
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Wood E, Asencio R. Hidrographic Data Report – West Coast of Puerto Rico, 1973- 1974 (May 1975)
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Cuevas E, Clements R. Changes in Selected water quality parameters as influenced by land use patterns in the Espiritu Santo Drainage Basin (December 1975)
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Wood E. Aerial Infrared Scanning of Discharge regions of present and alternate power plants sites. Vol I and II (April 1975)
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[Anonymous]. La Chalupa Mission #12- Final Report (March 1975)
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PRNC. Environmental Studies of the Proposed North Coast Nuclear Plant Unit No. 1 Site. Final Report. Volume II (April 1975)
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Rebadeneira FJMuñoz, Canoy MJ. Toxic in the Atmosphere (May 1975)
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Wood E, Asencio R. Hidrographic Data Report – South Coast of Puerto Rico (May 1975)
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Ferguson FF, Medina F. Plantas potencialmente peligrosas de Puerto Rico: Guía preliminar (agosto 1975)
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Wood E, Youngbluth MJ, Nut ME, Yoshioka P. Cabo Rojo Platform Environmental Studies (May 1975)
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Wood E. A Manual for Hydrographic Cruises (May 1975)
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[Anonymous]. Punta Manatí Environmental Studies (April 1975)
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Wood E, Youngbluth MJ, Yoshioka P, Canoy MJ. Cabo Mala Pascua Environmental Studies (June 1975)
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PRNC. Annual Report January 1974- June 1975 (January 1974- June 1975)
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Parrish JD. Punta Higuero Environmental Studies, Supplementary Report (May 1975)
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Wood E, Youngbluth MJ, Nut ME, Yoshioka P. Canoy Cabo Mola Pascua Envionmental Studies (June 1975)
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Block AMcB, Clements RG, Rosa LI, Santos F. Themoluminescence Dosimetry in North West Puerto Rico (July 1975)
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Andrew C, D S. Environmental Monitoring of Argon 41 (1976)
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Jobin WR, Ferguson FF, Brown R. Ecological Review of Hydroelectric Reservoirs in Puerto Rico (October 1976)
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[Anonymous]. General Information (March 1976)
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[Anonymous]. Health and Safety Regulation Manual. Health and Safety Division (June 1976)
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PRNC. Project Proposal and Authorization Research Programs (May 1976)
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Block AMcB, Clements RG. Radionuclide content of soils from Barrio Islote. Arecibo, Puerto Rico (June 1976)
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Price M, Thurston J, G de Castro L, Cruz LL, de Caro Zimmerman D. The Release of Cadium, Chronium, Copper, Nickel and Zinc by Sewage Sludge an the Subsequent Uptake by Members of a Turtle Grass (Thalassia Testudinum) Ecosystems (May 1977)
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PRNC. Puerto Rico Nuclear Center Annual Report: July 1, 1975- September 30, 1976 (October 1977)
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Negrón H, Nazario CM. The 1976 Skin Test Survey for Schistosomiasis in Puerto Rico (September 1977)
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PRNC. Staff Resumes (May 1977)
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CEER. Actas de la Primera Conferencia del Caribe sobre la Energía para el Desarrollo: 3- de abril de 1978 (April 1978)
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Kay MI, Sasscer D, Bonnet JA. Proposal for a Study of Potencial for Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion as Renewable Energy Source for Developing. Vol. I Technical Proposal (April 1978)
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Jobin WR. The Ecology of Bilharzia and Agricultural Development in Puerto Rico During the Twenieth Century (May 1978)
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Negrón H, Nazario CM, Jobin WR. La Distribución de Bilharzia en Puerto Rico por Municipios, 1976 (July 1978)
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Butler JM, Ferguson FF, Palmer JR, Jobin WR. Observation on Schistosome Infections of Biom-Phalaria Glabrata and an Invading Population of Tarebia Granifera in a Small Stream in Puerto Rico (September 1978)
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Jobin WR, Nazario CM. Strategies for Bilharzia Control in puerto Rico, 1978 (February 1978)
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Pesante D. A Study of the Plankton in Laguna Joyuda a Tropical Lagoon on the West Coast of Puerto Rico (MS Thesis) (1978)
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A Moll G. Abundance Studies on the Anolis Lizards and Insect Populations of Altitudinally Different Tropical Forest Habitats (November 1978)
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Mosquera RA. Química del Agua Intersticial y Varios Parametros Estructurales Cuantificados en un Manglar Riverino, en el Río Espíritu Santo, Río Grande, Puerto Rico (May 1979)
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Bonnet JA. Opportunities for Technical Cooperation in the Development of Energy Alternatives in the Caribbean Area (November 1979)
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CEER. R & D Program needs for Energy Alternativs in Puerto Rico: Preliminary Report (June 1979)
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Mayda J. Energy Conservation in Transportation in Puerto Rico: A Policy Study (September 1979)
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Goldman GC, Lópoz JM, Castro R. Prediction of the Effects of Resuspension of Sediment During Construction Phase of a Hypothetical Offshore Power Plant, West of Mayaguuez, Puerto Rico (May 1979)
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CEER. Proposed Solution for Energy and Environmental Problems in Puerto Rico (Internal Circulation) (May 1979)
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Pelegrina D. El efecto de la luz y la salinidad en la rotación del Propaguloo de Phizophora Mangle (August 1979)
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López JM. Data Report, OHER- OEC Cruise, 8-12 November 1979 (January 1980)
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Block AMcB, Ortabasi U, Riesco MB. High Volume, High Blood Wastes: The Magnetic Separations (May 1979)
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Villamil J. Concentración de bacterias coliforme y contaje total de bacterias del sistema de purificación de aguas domésticas basado en la Asociación de Jacintos de Aguas (Diciembre 1979)
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Clements R. Methods and Instruments: A Brief History of the Terrestrial Ecology Program, etc. (August 1979)
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[Anonymous]. Updating the Air Conditioning Unit, New Wing- Bio- Medical Building (February 1979)
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Ortabasi U, Waston JHP. A Program Proposal to Establish the Feasiblity of Using High Gradient Magnetic Separation for Effective Treatment of Mostos from Puerto Rico’s Rum Distilleries (May 1979)
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Jobin WR, Laracuente A. Biological Control of Schistosome Transmission in Flowing Water Habitats of Rio Grande, Puerto Rico (April 1979)
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Block AMcB, Ortabasi U. Magnetic Filtration Mobile Testing Laboratory: Grant Request to Roche Products Inc. and Technicon Reagents Corporations (May 1979)
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Stary SJ. A Study of Mercury Concentrations of Red Mangroves of the South and West Coasts of Puerto Rico (August 1979)
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Brown RA, Jobin WR, Laracuente A, Mercado R, Quiñones V. Preliminary Results from A Survey of Water Quality in some Puerto Rican Lakes (February 1979)
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[Anonymous]. Total and Diffuse Insolation Data for Cataño – Report #1. July 1 to October 31, 1978 (January 1979)
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Negrón H, Jobin WR. Age-Specific Reactions to Skin Test for Schistosomiasis in Nine Endemic Municipalities of Puerto Rico 1969-1976 (February 1979)
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Jobin WR, Clements RG, Block AMcB, Weil P, García A, Lao W, Rosa LI, Santos FA. Water Hyacinths for the Clarification of Waste Waters and the Production of Energy (January 1979)
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Alexander A. A Non- Woody Land Plants as a Renewable Energy Source Biomass as a Nonfossil Fuel Source (December 1979)
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Rojas H, J Caabro S. Guayanilla- Tallaboa Rays Plankton Survey (August 1979)
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Bonnet JA. La crisis de energía y sus alternativas: Soluciones a corto plazo y soluciones a largo plazo (Noviembre 1979)
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Soderstrom KG. Shading of Solar Energy- The Technical Components of the Legal Aspects for Puerto Rico (November 1979)
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Mayda J. Policy R&D: Outline of a Methodology with Reference to Desicion Making in the Fields of Energy, Transportation and Environmental (August 1979)
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Gómez J, de la Rosa T, M de Gómez V, Jobin WR, Laracuente A, Mercado R, Negrón H. Estudios Ecológicos de las Represas de Tavera y Valdesia en la República Dominicana, 1979 (1979)
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[Anonymous]. The Characterization of Airborne Particulates and their Toxic Properties in a Petroleum Petrochemical Industrial Environment (January 1979)
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Martínez JBRivera. Patillas, Carraizo, Dos Bocas, Guajataca Estudio de Producción y Distribución Vertical de Oxígeno en Cuatro Lagos de Pueto Rico, 1978 (January 1979)
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López R. Feasibility Study for the use of Large Wind- Power Generators in Puerto Rico (May 1979)
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Bonnet JA. Nuevo Survey Taxonómico de los suelos de Puerto Rico y sus aportaciones a la agricultura (Octubre 1979)
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Zayas JM. Some Aspects of the Ecology of a Coastal Lagoon (September 1979)
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Goldman G, Hernández A, González JG, Pesante D. Results of Oceanic Measurements Relatable to an OTEC Installation at Punta Tuna, Puerto Rico (Missing page: 455) (Novemeber 1979)
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[Anonymous]. Solar Thermal System test Facility for Low and Medium Temperature Range (April 1979)
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Ortabasi U(Coordinat. An Assessment of Magnetic Filtration: A New Approach to Puerto Rico’s Effluent Pollution Problems- Report of a Select Panel- San Juan, Puerto Rico (Marzo 1979)
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Jobin WR, Laracuente A, Mercado R, Quiñones V, Brown RA. Ecology of Biomphalaria Glabrata and Marisa Cornuarietis in Lakes of Puerto Rico (January 1979)
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Ortabasi U, Block AMB. High Field Gradient Magnetic Separation for Waste Water Purification Application Puerto Rico (May 1979)
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Viera D. Colonization of the Communities Associated with Rhizophora Mangel Roots (August 1979)
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Buchanan B. Aspects of the Ecology of the Pseudopterogorgia Americana and Pseudopterogorgia Acerosa (MS Thesis) (1979)
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[Anonymous]. Total and Diffuse Insolation Data for Río Piedras- Report #1. July 1 to October 31, 1978 (January 1979)
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Ortabasi U, Sodestrom K, López A, Atienza JA, Ozakcay LM. Industrial Steam Generation by Non-Imaging Focusing (February 1979)
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Jobin WR, Jones CR. Report on a Consultation Bilharzia Control in Swaziland (February 1979)
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Beavis WR, Heckman SM. A Study of Mercury Concentrations of Fish of the South West Coasts of Puerto Rico (August 1979)
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SEVERAL. Alternate Uses of Sugarcane for Development in Puerto Rico- Proceedings of a Symposium, Caribe Hilton Hotel, March 26-27, 1979, San Juan, Puerto Rico (Noviembre 1979)
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Hernández A, Caabro MLSuárez, Goldman GC. A Historical Review of the Physical and Biological Charactersitics of the Ocean near Puerto Rico, Relative to an OTEC Power Plant (Missing pages: XIV, 14, 176, 257) (August 1979)
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[Anonymous]. Proposed Five Year Plan- Energy and Environment Program- FY 1982- 1986 (Missing pages: X1-4) (December 1979)
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Engineering Iof Chemica, CEER. Proceedings of Conference on the Impact of Industry on the Clean Water Act of 1977 and Cost Effective Wastewater Treatment Technologies in Puerto Rico (May 1979)
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[Anonymous]. Annual Report, Terrestial Ecology Division FY 1979 (January 1979)
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Nevarez R, Villamil J. Laguna de Tortuguero: Recopilación Comprensiva de Datos sobre la Estructura, Funcionamiento y Utilización de este Recurso Natural (Marzo 1980)
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Bonnet JA. Conferencia: Desarrollo Industrial y Protección del Ambiente, Tecnología para el Control de Emisiones y su Aceptabilidad (June 1980)
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Bhajan WR, Canals M, Colon JA, Block AMcB, Clements R. A Limnological Survey of the Río Espíritu Santo Watershed (1976-1977) (August 1980)
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Samuels G. Land Use Analysis for Puerto Rico (November 1980)
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Chartock MA. Hydriologic Model of Guayanilla Bay, Puerto Rico (February 1980)
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Alexander A. Biomass: An Alternative Energy Resource (February 1980)
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Rosso R. North West Coast Power Plant Quality Assurance Manual (February 1980)
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Rodríguez E. Estudio de los niveles de PB, CD y Ni en el suelo y la vegetació adyacentes a algunas carreteras de Puerto Rico (MS Thesis) (1980)
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CEER. Integrated Program Plan for UPR/ CEER FY 1980 and FY 1981 (February 1980)
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Iriarte M, Sardina RH. Energy Analysis and Socio-Economic Consideration of Puerto Rico (May 1980)
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CEER. Senior Advisory Committee on Energy & Senior Advisory Committee on Environmental Sciences (January 1980)
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Ocasio W. Puerto Rico State Solar Support Project” Annual Report FY 1980 (October 1980)
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Bonnet JA. Las alternaivas de energía renovables que afectan nuestra sociedad (July 1980)
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Flores INCorrujo. A Study of Fish Population in the Espíritu Santo River Estuary (May 1980)
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Negrón H, Jobin WR. Report of Consulting Epidemiologist for Blue Nile Health Project, Sudan (January 1980)
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Block AMcB, Riesco MB. Magnetic Filtration Studies of Raw Sewage in Puerto Rico: Results and Costs Analysis (August 1980)
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Vicente VP. The Impact of Heated Effluents on Thalassia Beds: A Comparative Study (March 1980)
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Chartock MA. An Ecosystems Framework for Energy- Related Environmental Research Planning in Puerto Rico (May 1980)
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López JM. Data Report OHER-OTEC Cruise May 24-29 (September 1980)
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Alexander A. Fuels and Feedstocks from Tropical Biomass (Novemeber 1980)
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Samuels G. The Use of High Test Mollases Distillery Wastes (May 1980)
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CEER. Tropical Rain Forest Cycling and Transport Program: Phase I Porgress Report (December 1980)
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López JM. Data Report: OHER- OTEC Cruise, Jan, 27- Feb. 1, 1980 (March 1980)
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CEER. Five Year Plan for Continued Operation as a Resource to the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (FY 1982- 1986), Executive Summary (contains appendices) (May 1980)
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López JM. Data Report OHER OTEC Cruise March 22-27 (July 1980)
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Bonnet JA. Desarrollo de fuentes alternas de energía solar en Puerto Rico (Agosto 1980)
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Bonnet JA. Desarrollo de Fuentes Alternas de Energía Solar para el Caribe (Abril 1981)
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García JL. Temporal Patterns of the Metazoan Parasites in the White Mullet, Mugil Curema Valenciennes for Joyuda Lagoon, Puerto Rico (1981)
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Bonnet JA. El problema de la industria de la caña de azúcar (Missing pages: 14-22) (Agosto 1981)
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[Anonymous]. Results of a Program to Measure the Trajectory of Water at a Depth of 100m South of Punta Tuna, Puerto Rico (Missing page: 132) (March 1981)
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Bonnet JA, Towle EL, Ward R. Energy/ Enrironmental Management: A Borad Perspective for the Islands of the Caribbean (March 1981)
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Bonnet JA. Aumento en producción de mieles en Puerto Rico (Junio 1981)
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López JM. Data Report OHER- OTEC Cruise Jul. 30 – Aug. 3, 1980 (February 1981)
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Bonnet JA. Energy Alternatives for the Caribbean (December 1981)
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Bonnet JA. Rural Electric Administration Public Meeting (June 1981)
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Levine EA. Nutrient Cycling by the Red Mangrove Phizophora Mangle L, in Joyuda Lagoon on the West Coast of Puerto Rico (1981)
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Sasscer D, Morgan T. Final Report for OTEC Raiser Cable at Punta Tuna, Puerto Rico (March 1981)
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Bonnet JA. Planning and Initial Activities for the Utilization of Renewable Energy (September 1981)
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Bonnet JA. Excerpts from Letters of Recommendations (March 1981)
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Iriarte M. Energía Año 2000 (June 1981)
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Nevarez R. Productividad y contenido nutricional del Jacinto de Agua Eichhornia Crassipes Mart (Solms), en relación a algunos aspectos linmológicos del Lago Carraizo, Puerto Rico (Falta Pag. 5) (May 1981)
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Bonnet JA. Contribution of Puerto Rico’s Towards the Solution of Energy Problems (September 1981)
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Block AMcB. Final Report (February 1981)
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Dieppa JEVarela. Breve historia el desarrollo de la energía nuclear en Perto Rico – Tecnología vs. política (1957-1981) (Septiembre 1981)
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Erdman M. Biogas Potential in the Republic of Panama (December 1981)
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Bonnet JA. La investigación tecnológica y el desarrollo de fuentes renovables de energía en Puerto Rico (July 1981)
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Lugo S, Ocasio W. Final Report- Puerto Rico State Solar Project (October 1981)
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Soderstrom KG, Bonnet JA. The Caribbean Region- A Challenge for Alternative Energy Technology Transfer and Development (November 1981)
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Bonnet JA, Ocasio W. La situación energética de la Isla de Puerto Rico (January 1981)
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Bonnet JA. La posibilidad de utilizar carbón mineral para la generación de energía eléctrica en Puerto Rico (June 1981)
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Vicens C. Plan de implementación de programa de conservación de energía (junio 1981)
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Bonnet JA. La química y su relación con la energía (Octubre 1981)
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Bonnet JA. Resumen de Logros del CEEA (March 1981)
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Irizarry N. Radiological Survey Report for El Verde Research Station (December 1981)
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Rodríguez H. Upgrading Sugar Factory Operations for Improved Energy Utilization (August 1981)
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Bonnet JA. Desarrollo de fuentes renovables de energía y sus implicaciones (September 1981)
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Reagan DP, Garrison RW, Martinez JR, Waide RB, Zucca CP. Tropical Rain Forest Cycling and Transport Program (Phase I Report) (June 1982)
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Bonnet JA. Conclusiones y recomendaciones de los congresos técnicos de UPADI-82 (Septiembre 1982)
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Pytlinski GT, Soderstrom K. Assessment of Solar Energy as an Alternative Energy Source for the Republic of Panamá (September 1982)
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CEER. Fuels and Feedstock from Tropical Biomass II- A Symposium on Alternative Domestic Energy Systems for Puerto Rico (Proceedings) (August 1982)
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Garcia JR. An Environmental Evaluation of La Plata Lake Toa Alta Second Quarterly Report (March 1982)
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Pytlinski GT. Solar Ponds: Research, Applications and Development (December 1982)
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[Anonymous]. Ponencias nacionales presentadas en el Congreso de UPADI- 82 (Agosto 1982)
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Smith L, Ocasio W. Ponencia ante la comisión de asuntos energéticos de la Cámara de Representantes con relación a la Resolución de la Cámara #500 (July 1982)
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Bonnet JA, Pytlinski GT, Soderstrom K. Solar Energy Storage for Cooling Systems in the Caribbean (March 1982)
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Mayol J. Transportation Energy Conservation in Puerto Rico: Potencial, Approach Methodology and prospect to 1985 (October 1982)
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Reagan DP, Zucca C. Inventory of the Puertorrican Boa (Epicrates Inornatus) in the Caribbean National Forest (May 1982)
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Bonnet JA. La química en el ambiente del suelo aplicada a los suelos de Puerto Rico (October 1982)
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Waide R. El Verde Field Station (December 1982)
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Koehler W. Problems and Impediments in the Development of a Caribbean Basin Energy Program (December 1982)
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Ramos CG. Evaluation Survey of Culebra Project (February 1982)
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Bonnet JA. Perspectivas para una red de comunicaciones de enlace vía satélite entre las universidades latinoamericanas y del Caribe (Abril 1982)
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Garcia JR. Patterns of Temporal Distribution in the Metazoa Paasitology of the White Mullet, Mugil Curema in Joyuda Lagoon (September 1982)
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Pytlinski GT. Solar Ponds: Research, Applications and Development (August 1982)
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Estrada A, Garrison R, Reagan D, Waide R, Zucca C. Flora and Fauna of the El Verde Field Station (March 1983)
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Muñiz PA. Enfoque biotropical para la arquitectura en Puerto Rico (October 1982)
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Bonnet JA. Development of Alternative Energy Science and Engineering in the Caribbean (Final Report- Grant No. Int. 8025593) (September 1982)
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Sarkis P. Commendations CEER Programs (January 1983)
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Bonnet JA. The Quest for Energy Self Sufficient in PR (May 1983)
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Koehler W. Renewable Energy Trends and Opportunities in the Caribbean (October 1983)
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Pytlinski GT, Straub M. Research Solar Ponds: Design and Instrumentation (September 1983)
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Bonnet JA. Proceedings (Volume II) of the 1st Pan American Conference on Energy and 2nd National Conference on Renewable Energy Technologies (June 1983)
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Pytlinski GT. Variable GEometry Barrieus Wind Machine (August 1983)
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Alexander A. Production of Sugarcane and Tropical Grasses as a Renewable Energy Source- Fourth Annual Report 1980- 1981 (September 1983)
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Bonnet JA. Development of Alernative Energy Science and Engineering for the Caribbean- Part III (December 1983)
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Alexander A. Production of Sugarcane and Tropical Grasses as a Renewable Energy Source – Second Annual Report 1978- 1979 (September 1983)
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López JM, Tilly LJ. Ecological Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Pelagic Ecosystem Components Potencially Interacting with an OTEC Plant near Punta Tuna, Puerto Rico Physical Characteristics Final Report (February 1983)
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Bonnet JA. Evaluación de lo publicado por nuestros académicos sobre ciencias – humanidades (August 1983)
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Rice RD, Owen G. Changes in Diel Primary Production in Joyuda Lagoon on July 7 and 8, 1983 (August 1983)
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Azize N, Iriarte M, Betancourt JH. 1983 Update Puerto Rico Energy Alternative (May 1983)
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Grose G, Owen G. The Effect of Food Level Antibiotic in Bearing Larvae of Ucides Cordatus Linnaeus (Brachryuran, Gecardcinidae) (August 1983)
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López JM, Tilly LJ. Ecological Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Pelagic Ecosystem Components Potencially Interacting with an OTEC Plant near Punta Tuna, Puerto Rico Zooplankton Characteristics Final Report (December 1983)
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Alexander A. Production of Sugarcane and Tropical Grasses as A Renewable Energy Source- Final Report June 1, 1977 to May 31, 1982 (September 1983)
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[Anonymous]. Proceedings of UNICA Workshop on Biomass as an Energy Alternative for the Caribbean (February 1983; April 1982)
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Bonnet JA, Koehler WC. Development of Alternative Energy Science and Engineering in the Caribbean (August 1983)
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Alexander A. Production of Sugarcane and Tropical Grasses as a Renewable Energy Source – Third Annual Report 1979- 1980 (September 1983)
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Tilly LJ, Garcia JR. An Environmental Evaluation of La Plata Lake, Toa Alta (Third Quarterly Report April- June 1982) (June 1983)
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Alexander A. Production of Sugarcane and Tropical Grasses as a Renewable Energy Source – First Annual Report 1977- 1978 (September 1983)
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Bonnet JA, Pytlinski GT. Alternative Technologies: Research and Development by CEER in Puerto Rico (April 1984)
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Bonnet JA, Sasscer DS, Iriarte M. Estudios sobre energía oceánica en Puerto Rico (April 1984)
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Bonnet JA, Pytlinski GT. Alternative Technologies: Research and Development by CEER in Puerto Rico (March 1984)
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Willing MR, Bauman A. Notes on Bats form the Luquillo Mountains of Puerto Rico (August 1984)
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Bonnet JA, Iriarte M. Combustibles a base de mezclas de carbón y agua como una alternativa viable para la industria eléctrica (July 1984)
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Townsend DS. The Adaptive Significance of Male Parential Care in a Neotropical Frog (September 1984)
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Ginés C. Effects of Sunlight and other Factors on the Population Dynamics of Coliform Bacteria (December 1984)
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Tilly LJ, Buchanan BA. Summary of Data for Puerto Rican Lakes (October 1984)
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Castellón F, Koehler W, Calderón A. A Science and Technology Center for Puerto Rico (January 1984)
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Pytlinski GT. Photovoltaic Cell Technologies (January 1984)
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Koehler W, Bonnet JA. Energy for the Caribbean: The Medium Term (October 1984)
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Bonnet JA. The Center for Energy and Environment Research as a Catalyst for Industry/ University Research at the University of Puerto Rico (December 1984)
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Ginés C, Ortega N, Waide R. Bibliography of Research at El Verde, PR (August 1984)
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Toledo W, S Roán T. Análisis de viabilidad y determinación del mercado potencial para los calentadores solares para uso residencial en Puerto Rico (December 1984)
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Díaz H, Díaz E. Low Energy Home Designs for Puerto Rico (abril 1985)
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Koehler W, Segal A. The Development of Science and technology in the Caribbean: Possibilities and Problems (May 1985)
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Pytlinski GT. Theoretical Aspects of Photovoltaic Cell Operation (August 1985)
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[Anonymous]. Phase I Report Biomass Commercialization at Cambaleche (August 1985)
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Waide RB. A Tropical Rain Forest Past and Present: Report from Workshop on Research at El Verde, Puerto Rico (July 1985)
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Silander S. Succession at the El Verde Radiation Site at 17 Year Record (March 1985)
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Bonnet JA. La tecnología moderna y el ambiente humano (July 1986)
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Bonnet JA. La investigación científica y tecnológica en Puerto Rico (1983)
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Mayda J. Declaración de Impacto Ambiental en Puerto Rico: Propósito, Política Pública y Cumplimiento Proyecto E. D. Núm. 86 (1986)
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Gottfried RR. Report on the Final Plan for the Caribbean National Forest (October 1986)
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Sasscer D, Morgan T. Energy Integrated Dairy Farm Systems in Puerto Rico (March 1986)
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Koehler W. Evaluation of CEER Productivity, 1979-80 to 1987-88 (June 1988)
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McDowell WH, Estrada-Pinto A. Rainfall at the El Verde Station 1964-1986 (1988)
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